Douglas Morck, BSc, DVM, PhD

PhD (Biofilm Bacterial Pathogenesis) University of Calgary
DVM (Veterinary Medicine) University of Saskatchewan
B Sc (Cellular and Microbial Biology)Uniuversity of Calgary

Areas of Research

My lab examines the interaction of biofilm bacteria with both antibiotics and the innate immune system. Current projects are focused on neutrophil functionality, including neutrophil extracellular traps, single-species and multiple species bacterial biofilms (aerobes, microareophiles, and anaerobes), and the innate immune system using in vitro bovine cell models.
Antibiotic Resistance
I have historically worked on antibiotic resistance in domestic animals. My lab has worked on applied research evaluating the presence and development of specific types of resistance, CLSI method-based evaluation of antibiotic resistance, and PCR-based detection of specific genes involved in resistance in bacteria isolated from animals (and from humans).
Bacterial Pathogenesis
I have a current project examining the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus infection of mice that focuses on the high occurrence of this infection in the preputial gland of male mice. We are exploring this infection through a mouse model system, in vitro biofilm and antibiotic sensitivity studies, advanced imaging of bacterial and innate immune cells, and metabolite-based immuno-modulation.
Immunomodulatory Effects of Antibiotics
Several antibiotics have effects on the innate immune system that are distinct from their antibacterial properties. My lab examine the effects and mechanisms of these phenomena within in vitro cell models and within controlled in vivo models of inflammation, such as the murine DSS model of colitis. Current work in this area is evaluating the relationships among DSS induced murine colitis, macrolide and metronidazole exposure in this model, the intestinal (colonic and cecal) microbiome, and neutrophil function. Cell function involves a variety of assessment methods including intravital microscopy.

Supervising degrees

Veterinary Medical Sciences - Masters: Accepting Inquiries
Veterinary Medical Sciences - Doctoral: Unavailable
Biological Sciences - Doctoral: Accepting Inquiries
Biological Sciences - Masters: Accepting Inquiries

Working with this supervisor

Successful students in my research program are typically ambitious, independent students with strong interpersonal skills.

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