When you arrive
Look up program information and important deadlines in the Academic Calendar
Pay your tuition
It is important to pay your tuition and fees before the payment deadline listed in the Academic Schedule. Learn about how you can apply for a graduate student payment plan.
Note for third-party programs: Please pay only the amount owing on the student's account as excess funds will be returned. Money for other expenses should be sent directly to the student.
Questions? Contact us
Graduate student responsibility
Know your department
You are expected to maintain high standards of integrity in your coursework and research. You will also find the best support by getting to know your Graduate Program Director (GPD), graduate program staff, and your supervisor if you have one.
Learn about academic integrity
Academic integrity is a critical part of your graduate studies. We treat incidents of plagiarism very seriously. Any occurrence may affect your academic record and/or registration status.
Student/Supervisor relationship
For thesis-based students and some course-based students, your relationship with your supervisor is one of the most important parts of your graduate student experience.
Library resources
Our libraries aren’t just about books! Attend workshops, borrow technical equipment, book workrooms, and consult with our friendly librarians.