My GradSkills workshops and resources

Get support and training for professional development, career planning, time management, communications and more.

My GradSkills endorsed workshops

As a grad student, you have a wealth of opportunity to supplement your graduate programming with workshops on everything from time management to communication skills, career readiness and more. 

With so many workshops on offer, how do you know which ones to take, and when? We're here to help.

While there are many great workshops available to you as a grad student, My GradSkills endorses a core set of workshops with clear learning objectives giving you a strong foundation to build on. 

  • Endorsed workshops are offered free for grad students.
  • The My GradSkills Matrix helps you plan which workshops to take at different times in your program.
  • Bookmark our page and check often to find out which My GradSkills workshops are coming up.
  • Make sure to read GRADpost and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay on top of upcoming workshops.
My GradSkills print matrix

Explore the My GradSkills Matrix

Use this tool to learn about and plan out workshops and other professional opportunities throughout your time in your grad program.

Learn more

Register for an online class or workshop

Online/ Virtual Training

Need more flexibility? Consider registering for online workshops

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Featured events

Campus sculpture

Career and professional development resources

The University of Calgary offers several supports to graduate students to help you prepare for the transition into a career. 

Learn about the My CareerSkills Toolkit and other resources for career planning and professional development.