Speak about your research with confidence
My GradSkills connects graduate students with opportunities for communication skills training, including Canada's most successful Three Minute Thesis competition.
My GradSkills connects graduate students with opportunities for communication skills training, including Canada's most successful Three Minute Thesis competition.
The 3MT is an internationally renowned graduate research communication competition. Participants in thesis-based programs explain their research for a general audience in three minutes using a single slide. Participants are offered multiple workshops and feedback sessions to help them craft and refine their presentations.
My GradSkills offers presentation and oral skills workshops as part of our 3MT programming. 3MT workshops are also open to graduate students not participating in the competition. We can also connect you with workshops offered by our partners across the University of Calgary.
Do you want to share your research passion with the world outside of the university?
There are several opportunities in Calgary for grad students from any program to bring their work to a broad audience. Some events open to grad students include TedX Calgary, Science Slam, Nerd Nite and the Beakerhead Festival.
Some UCalgary 3MT participants have opportunities to share their talks externally through My GradSkills' 3MT outreach programming. Contact us to learn more!
Learn more about communication skills for graduate students