Finding an internship

Resources and strategies for finding an internship opportunity

TTI Discovery

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Need 1:1 support in your internship search? Appointments can be booked on Elevate. Log into the student portal and choose Faculty of Graduate Studies > FGS Internship and Career Appointments.

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FGS Internship and Career Postings

Current internship positions are found on Elevate. Log into the student portal and choose Faculty of Graduate Studies > Graduate Studies Internship and Career Postings.

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Featured TTI opportunities

For these and other postings, log into Elevate and then click the Job ID link provided.

  1. Social Enterprise Planning Consultant

    Craft a comprehensive business plan in the sustainable African fashion and design industry with a dynamic Calgary non-profit organization. Become proficient in market research, environmental scanning, grant writing and data analysis. Funding for this part-time role is provided though TTI.

    Log in to Elevate | Job ID 126800

  2. Sustainable Farming, Business Plan Consultant

    Ladies in the Family Foundation is a local non-profit organization with a focus on black women and girls to increase their economic, social and emotional wellness as they navigate building new homes, businesses and work lifestyles in Canada. They have an immediate need to hire an eligible Transformative Talent Internship graduate student intern.  This opportunity is to help build a sustainable farming network by cultivating African crops, edible plants, and flowers in Alberta. You’ll assist in research pertaining to importation laws, industry research, growth opportunities and optimization.

    Log in to Elevate | Job ID 125184

Data Analyst

Women’s Centre of Calgary is seeking a graduate data analyst to provide essential support to the research team on the Home is (her)e project, focused on investigating the state of homelessness for women and gender-diverse people in Calgary. The student will work closely with our partners from the Women's National Housing and Homelessness Network. Transferable skills you will develop: research methodology, data management, data analysis, communication, teamwork.

Log in to Elevate | Job ID 126985

  1. Event Planner and Community Engagement Specialist

    Bright Lights for Africa is seeking a graduate student for event planning including marketing and promotion, sponsorship and fundraising, community engagement and administrative support. Develop transferable skills in community engagement, networking, marketing, project management and leadership.

    Funding for this part-time role is provided through TTI. 

    Log in to Elevate | Job ID 126179

  2. Research Assistant – Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting

    Bright Lights for Africa is seeking a graduate research assistant responsible for data collection, data entry and management, data analysis, collaboration and communication, report generation and quality assurance. Become proficient in strategic development, data analysis, communication and quality assurance. 

    Funding for this part-time role is provided through TTI.

    Log in to Elevate | Job ID 126176